The Livonia AM Rotary Club opened the meeting singing "O say can you See" instead of saying the pledge. Larry Stephens gave the Invocation. Sharon Pommerville collected Happy Bucks.
President Dave Stechholz requested members walk with the Club along with our Sister Club, Livonia Noon Club in the Christmas Parade this Sunday..Staging at Frost School on Stark Rd. Meet at 2:45 and ending at the City Hall for the tree lighting. Afterwards there will be cookies and cocoa. Our club's banner can not be found so we will walk along with Tammy's truck that will have the inflatable Rotary Emblem in the back of her truck. Be sure to wear your Rotary Santa hats.
Big thank you to those who help decorate our Christmas tree at the Livonia Rec Center. Please stop by and vote for our tree or use the QR code that Bill included in the previous newsletter. You can vote more than once.
A plaque in recognition of the two Livonia Rotary Clubs, for our work with the Spaghetti Dinner for Polio fundraiser, was passed around. This plaque was presented to our Club at the Rotary District 6400 Foundation Dinner on November 21st at Crystal Gardens in Southgate.
Giving Committee Bill Friske presented a grant application request for money from Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church to purchase food baskets to be given out to local families. $500.00 was voted and approved. Please note that Tammy Bonifield requests that any requests for Giving Committee funds MUST HAVE THE COMPLETE PAPERWORK.
Bell Ringers will be at Joe's Produce on December 14th (Interact club) and December 21st (our club). Times for both dates are 10 - 2 PM. Come out and support the Ringers!
Mike Ladwig and Greg Greene presented the LAMR - Volunteer Corp. This group will be part of the membership committee. This idea was presented previously to the Club. These volunteers will help our club with activities and get to know our Club and members better. They will be invited to attend meetings where these activities will be discussed. Hopefully in doing this they will have a chance to talk to members and one day become a member of our club.
Interact Clubs: Stevenson High School will have Dave Burton as a faculty advisor to assist with our effort to form an Interact Club at the high school. They are submitting the Interact constitution for approval. Drew Buatti from the Livonia Noon Club and Claude Kendrick are on the committee. Clarenceville School's proposed Interact Club is still in the works.
President Dave did a check of the major goals we had at the start of the year to see where we stand now.
Additional fundraising: Has not been done.
Membership development: Is being worked on currently.
Public image: Deck the Rec and Road Clean-up along with the Garden City parade and the Livonia parade; we've got those covered.
Still need to work on the peace initiatives.
The meeting ended with jokes by Greg.
Susan Paluchniak