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Club Assembly

We held our monthly Club Assembly at this meeting.

1. Tammy Bonifield presented a Treasurer’s Report, and we continue to maintain a robust financial position. She also informed the assembly that the board voted to adjust our yearly dues structure. We will no longer pay $5 per in-person fee to attend meetings and to cover the cost of refreshments and coffee. We will increase our dues to all dues-paying members. This increase will also help defer the cost of the Zoom meeting option. We also want to inform members that if the club pays for a member to attend an outside event, and the member does not attend, nor inform a club member of their absence prior to the event, the club will bill the absent member for the cost of the entry fee.

2. Larry Stephens informed us that the Giving Committee did not have any grant requests last month, so no grants were funded. Bob Carris mentioned that the funding for the ultra-sound machine is almost complete, just awaiting an answer to our District Governor’s Golf Outing grant request for matching funds.

3. Although Pat Zucal was unable to attend our club assembly, he informed the Board of Directors that our Rotary Carnival at the Livonia Sears parking lot is good to go with a start date of July 14, 2022.

4. Bob Carris spoke of the Touch A Truck organizing committee meeting recently held between members of our AM Rotary Club and the Interact students from Churchill High School. The Interact members have stepped up to chair all of the various sub-committees, such as; Truck Coordinator, Parking Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Sponsors, Grounds, Marketing, Etc. An item still to be determined is the amount to request as a suggested donation for parking.

5. Mike Ladwig informed the group that we will not be offering club support for the Special Olympics coming to Detroit this summer. However, if we receive any information on volunteer opportunities for this event, we will post that information in future newsletters.


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