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Club Assembly

We began our meeting with President Tammy asking for a vote on a new member applicant Kate Mackie. Kate received a unanimous approval vote from all members present and she is officially a member of the Livonia AM Rotary Club.

Treasurer's Report/ Touch A Truck - Bob Carris reported on the Touch a Truck results and Finances. This year TAT had an attendance of over 7,400 attendees with preliminary indications of record-breaking net profit from the event to fund the Churchill HS Interact Club's charitable giving throughout the year. A beginning discussion was had on positive items for this year’s event and some notes for improvement for the year’s event.

Giving Committee - Larry Stephens reported the status of the grant requests reviewed over the previous month:

  1. Growth Works

  2. Kids Coalition Against Hunger

  3. Bethany Christian services

  4. Muskegon Special Ed. Teacher (a relative of a club member) for non-reimbursed school supplies

  5. The Roll A Hippo Foundation from a club in Canada

All were approved by the Board of Directors, and by unanimous consent of club members in attendance at the Club Assembly, with the exception of the Hippo project which was paused pending a presentation to the club.

We discussed many of our upcoming events, and Nancy Darga suggested a social media campaign to promote our footprint in the community. Further discussion will be held to determine the feasibility of this proposal.

Mike Ladwig


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