The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and P arayer by President Dave Stechholz.
President Dave passed around the official proclamation inducting Livonia AM Rotary into the Livonia Hall of Fame! See document HERE.
Announcements: The Kids Coalition Against Hunger (KCAH) meal packing event at ST. Edith's was a big success. We packed 51,000 meals. 1000 over what was expected. There were 69 workers that did all that work. Big thanks to Tammy Bonifield for all her work on this event.
Join our club for the Club Social on Monday, Oct. 21, at One Under on 5 Mile Rd beginning at 4:00. Come whenever you can.
President Dave gave thanks to the club newsletter writers, Susan Paluchniak, Victoria Haltom, and Nancy Darga. There is still room for someone else who would like to take a turn in reporting what happened at the Club meeting.
Big Events Coming: The World Polio Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is October 23rd at Christ our Savior Lutheran Church on Farmington Road, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Members are requested to bring a dessert. Arrive before 5:00 so everyone can be at their work spots. Place mats sponsors can still be added for $150.00 if the logo is received by Monday 10/21. Send logo to Pat Zucal.
The Rotary Club was asked to help with Hurricane Relief. This will be brought up at the Giving Committee on Monday, October 287th, at 6:00 on ZOOM.
The Club was asked to attend two Christmas parades. The Garden City Parade on Saturday, November 30th, 9:00 AM, and the Livonia Parade on Sunday, December 8th, at 4:00. Our club will be ordering Rotary Santa hats for those who would like to walk in either or both of these parades. The cost is $15 per hat.
The program this week was a Club Brainstorming Session on how to bring in more members. Big sheets of paper were attached to the wall and Ideas were given while Tammy wrote them on the paper.
Greg Greene suggested we have a volunteer corp, so people who were not members could join us in doing our projects and get to mingle with the members. Victoria Haltom suggested writing a flier with 50 reasons to become a Rotarian. Paper invitation to join us for a meeting was also suggested.
Claude Kendrick suggested that the dues could be paid quarterly or child care provided. Erin Dobbins suggested a 5:00 PM satellite meeting once a month by ZOOM.
The meeting ended at 8:30 but was continued in the boardroom to further discuss suggestions to increase our membership.
Susan Paluchniak