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Club Meeting

At our weekly meeting we heard a terrific presentation from Linda Holman from Livonia Cares and Colleen Dohl from the Salvation Army. Livonia Cares is a network of Christian churches partnering with social service agencies to meet basic needs of individuals and families in Livonia. Linda explained how Livonia Cares partners with the Salvation Army. Livonia Cares helps to vet those seeking assistance, along with member churches, to rule out those who seek help from multiple churches in Livonia in an effort to “game the system”, by getting financial assistance from multiple locations and pocketing some of the funds for money they were not intended for. Vetted candidates for assistance are then referred to the Salvation Army. Colleen explained The Salvation Army not only offers money for bills, but they provide counseling on a plethora of topics to help the clients move from dependence to self-sufficiency.

A special THANK YOU to club member Tammy Bonifield for surprising us all with the gift of her beautifully packaged homemade cookies.


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