President Dave Stechholz opened the meeting at 7:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by his singing the Presbyterian Thanksgiving Song, a brief prayer and then Happy Bucks. It was good to see the return of John Clay, Bob Carris, and Larry Stephens.
decorating of our Rotary tree at the Rec Center, participating in the Christmas parades in Garden City on Nov. 30 and in Livonia on Dec. 8, and coming to our breakfast meeting at George’s Senate Coney Island restaurant on Nov. 27 at 7:30 am. It is also time to sign up for a time slot as a bell ringer for the Salvation Army at Joe’s Produce on either December 14 or Dec. 21.
The organization, All Four One, is sponsoring a toy drive for children with terminal illnesses at Detroit Children’s Hospital of Michigan. You can drop off your toy donation at the Livonia Senior Center.
The Membership Committee, under the chairmanship of Mike Ladwig, met to formalize the new LAMR - Volunteer Corps group and to discuss adjusting club fees just for new members; hoping to increase membership in the long run.
Our speaker for this meeting was Linda Holman, the Director of Outreach, Assimilation, and Women’s Ministry at Christ our Savior Lutheran Church and President of Livonia Cares. Accompanying her today were Cares Board members Tom and Mary Cesney.
Livonia Cares is a Fatih-based group of more than 30 local churches and agencies, formed in 2011, whose purpose is to identify those in need of basic life support resources such as food, shelter, car repairs, etc. Livonia Cares is partnered with St. Vincent DePaul who evaluates individual’s and families’ eligibility to receive help from Livonia Cares.
Livonia Cares admits that they are a small organization with limited funds but has been instrumental in helping people and families get back on track and regain self sufficiency and independence. Our Rotary A M Club has given Livonia Cares grants in the past and has just approved and sent them a $1,000 grant to continue to serve needy Livonia residents.
Unfortunately, Livonia does not have homeless shelters but Linda provided Rotary members a valuable list of shelters in and around Detroit and suburbs and other resources for persons in need. Those wanting to refer people for assistance can contact Linda at, their Livonia church or St. Vincent de Paul of the Catholic Church at (734)427-5220. If you would like to personally support this organization, you can become a Cares member or make
Hope to see you all at breakfast next week on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 7:30 AM.
Victoria Haltom