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Connection Church - Hanna and Hope House

Our speaker for this morning, Jeanne Henderson, spoke to the Club about a faith-based support housing located in Canton. This housing is run by the Connection Church, which Jeanne and Claude belong to.  

The Church has two homes for residents, the Hana House for women and the Hope House for men.

Residents must be 18 or older, have a job, and transportation to work. No children or pets are allowed in the homes. The residents are required to attend services at the Connection Church and pay $500.00 per month with $100.00 put in escrow for them when they leave which can be used on housing.

While at the homes the residents are supported by classes in home maintenance and finances. Support is given in helping them find better paying jobs. Clients are allowed to stay for 18 months. This is not a transition home.

Club members were reminded to stop by Joe's Produce on Saturday to support our Interact members who are Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army.

Our Club still hasn't heard from The Methodist Children's Home about the need for gift wrapping.

Susan Paluchniak  



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