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Dave Varga - Chief of Staff, City of Livonia

Reverend David Stechholz opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance,

followed by an Invocation by Greg Greene.

Happy Bucks was conducted by Sharon Pommerville, the Club’s Sargent of Arms.

Cheers were extended to John Clay, a member, for his return to an in-person


An invitation to the “Rotarian Spaghetti Dinner to Eradicate Polio Worldwide,” being

held in the evening was extended by Tammy Bonifield. There was great excitement

as discussion volleyed between members on what was needed for the event.

Dave Varga, the Director of Administration for the City of Livonia, was the special

speaker. He graduated with a Bachelor of Communication from Wayne State

University. He came to the City after serving as editor to a local paper in 2008. He

has served three separate Mayors. Mr. Varga also sits on the Livonia Chamber of


Some of the concerns brought up by members was the location of a proposed

Sheetz Super Gas Station on Eight Mile and Newburgh across from the Greenmead Historical Village. Nancy Darga asked that the City Planning Department be pro-active in requiring an extensive landscape barrier along Newburgh Road to shield the historic

village. She also stated that the City of Novi and Northville have been in communication through the South East Michigan Council of Government (SEMCOG) on planning the development of connective bike trails. They are exploring ways to connect to Livonia through Eight Mile and Hines Drive. Mr. Varga stated that the city has a representative that attends SEMCOG meetings.

It was pointed out that the Mayor is focused on building a new city hall at the central municipal complex. The demolition of the current City Hall will free up public space so a park area can be developed around the new city complex. They will be using savings from changing medical providers for retirees to Medicare Advantage resulting in 2.4 million dollars annually to finance. She is also focused on developing new senior service facility in conjunction with the recreation center.

It was announced that the City will be distributing new garbage containers. There

will be a new condo development at Six Mile ad Haggerty. The city needs apartments and condos to attract first time residents and empty nesters. He was originally brought in to create a new website for the city, and Facebook. He now serves in a role of “Traffic Controller,” for 18 Department Heads helping them connect with each other.

N Darga

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