The meeting started with the singing of our National Anthem and the Canadian Anthem with Victoria Haltom on the violin. Invocation was given by Mike Ladwig.
Upcoming events: Road Clean-up this Saturday, September 28th, at 8:15 AM gather, start work 8:30 AM. Greg Greene told the Club that the road clean-up will take place on 5 Mile Road between Farmington and Merriman, now has a sign that said the road is adopted by the Livonia AM Rotary Club.
Ribbon Cutting for the Clarenceville HS Cooler project is scheduled for Thursday, October 3rd. That same day our Club will be inducted into the Livonia Hall of Fame at 7:00 at the Rosedale Presbyterian Church.
The Kids Coalition Against Hunger Meal packing event will be at St. Edith's on Saturday, October 12th starting at 9:00 AM. They are still a little low on funds for the food but our President Dave Stechholz informed us that some members have been out asking for funds and that they might be arriving soon. We COULD USE MORE MEAL PACKERS!
Our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser to Help Eradicate Polio is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23rd, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, also needs more help.
Assistant Governor Erin Dobbins introduced our speaker, Dr Nick Krayacich, District 6400 Governor.
Governor Nick started out by offering his pride and admiration for the things that our Club Is doing. Our Club shows the power that Rotarians have in doing good in the community and the world.
Rotary is a force of good united in the belief that service above self--together we can and will make a difference in the world.
Nick shared that when his wife, Past International President Jennifer Jones, was Governor they traveled to 57 countries. They were approached by a member who told the story that in Northern Ethiopia many women had to walk many miles to get to a hospital to give birth, some women died along the way. With Rotary Club help a hospital was established and health care professionals were trained. Children are vaccinated against diseases that use to claim their lives.
Nick shared another story of a woman, Gloria a Rotarian, who had helped set up the hospital and training for workers. They met at a dinner in Windsor. In a conversation with Gloria she relayed how impressed she was with the work they did in Ethiopia. She gave Dr. Nick a box filled with money that she wanted Rotary to use in Ethiopia to help the people there.
Think about leaving a legacy gift to the Rotary Foundation. Think about the impact we can make. Nick said that Rotary has lawyers that will make your will and trust for free if you set up a legacy gift to Rotary.
Dr. Nick left us with this thought "the world we want to see tomorrow starts with the actions we take today. Together we can shape the world, where peace, prosperity and justice is not just a thought but a reality."
The meeting ended with Dr. Nick Krayacich inducted our newest member, Russell Bisinger into our Rotary AM Club. That was followed by gifts to Nick from the club.
Susan Paluchniak
