I would be remiss as LAMR President for this year if I did not give a huge bravo and shout-out!
What a great morning of community, national, and world service at St. Edith’s in Livonia. Many businesses and even more service organizations, including our own Livonia A.M. Rotary Club, our sister Livonia noon Rotary Club, the Churchill Interact Club, the Livonia Lions and the Stevenson Girls Hockey Team, gave joyful service in packing 50,000 meals to feed the hungry, including those in need in the South from the hurricanes. All I can say is a big BRAVO!!
According to my count, we had 13 of our A.M. Rotarians plus 6 LAMR family members, 8 or 9 Churchill HS Interactors, and there were 6 Noon Livonia Rotarians. Of the 130+ volunteers, Rotary was remarkable well-represented. And we had such good help from set up to take down.
A strong note of great thanks to you, Tammy Bonifield, and our committee in taking on this enormous project. Thanks also to those who solicited donors, you who brought or arranged for coffee, beverages, donuts and pizza as well as donor companies, and all who contributed in any way.
A special thanks also to our dear friends, Lion PDG Matt Collins and KCAH Exec. Director Mike Burwell. Your continued and amazing commitment to KCAH, community service, and human needs is truly praiseworthy, even as we serve with gladness.
Even with a tough Tiger loss today on what was an outstanding season and remarkable run, we rejoice together! Thank you all.
Dave Stechholz