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Legacy Foundation Dinner Featuring David LaMotte

David LaMotte, Musician, and Rotary Peace Fellow

David LaMotte of California received an M.A. in Peace Studies at Queensland University, Australia. In a brilliant, clear, and excellent presentation, he shared with us some valuable insights. He contrasted a “hero story” (about the hero) with a “leader story” (about people who lead others to do great things).

A leader invites someone into the “movement.” LaMotte would assert that Rotary, polio eradication (of which our two Livonia Rotary clubs received recognition certificates), and countless Rotary club and district projects are “movements.” Movements are underlaid with committees of faithful volunteers who lend support.

He used the verb “approach” as a participle, approaching.” Leaders are approaching conflict (not avoiding it) in ways that are constructive. He then talked about relationships as very important since relationships always “pre-date” community. Community means “let’s be neighbors.” Rotarians are doing this all the time.

David used the powerful leadership example of Rosa Parks. (After the presentation and dinner were over, complete with presenting awards, I spoke briefly to David and showed him on my cell phone camera some recent pictures of Rosa Park’s burial crypt in Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit. He told me that the next time he is in town, he would like to see the Rosa Parks’ Chapel and her entombment spot). Mr. LaMotte talked about “change,” not a particularly popular topic. He asserted that “change the world” does not mean “save the world.” He added that “change the world” does not mean “fix the world.” He noted that everything you do changes the world, a thought worth pondering. Hence his book, "You Are Changing the World, Whether You Like It Or Not."

David will be again speaking at the Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Alberta, next June. Attending the Legacy Dinner, among over 300 District 6400 Rotarians and spouses, were LAMR members Bill Friske, Nancy Darga, Erin Dobbins, Claude Kendrick & Jeanne, and Dave Stechholz & Janet, and Laurie Pohutsky from our sister Livonia Rotary (Noon) Club.

David Stechholz


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