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Livonia 75 Anniversary - Jim McConnell

Dave Burton mentioned the Staff vs. Residents Soccer Game and BBQ Victory Dinner on Tuesday, 8/27, at the Methodist Children's Home on 6 Mile Rd in Redford. All members are invited. The game starts at 4:00, and dinner is at 5:00. Dave asked if the club could have some of the soccer balls to give to the kids.

Interact students; Emily Davis, Allison Pritula, and Shana Talmon, gave an overview of Touch A Truck. More trucks have been added this year. Hospitality tent is new this year as a place for Rotary members to  take a break from working. The Robotics team from Farmington will be in attendance along with a maze which will be towards the West entrance. All morning shift volunteers need to be in place by 8:00 AM, this means you need to be checked in and in your spot by 8:00 AM.  T-shirts were passed out to volunteers at the meeting .

Jim McConnell, our speaker, was happy to announce that the Livonia Historical Society is now a 501C3 organization as of a couple of weeks ago. In the handout he gave us included information on the historical society.

When Livonia was developed, it was developed into 36 sections, each 6 miles by 6 miles. In 1881 Dennison Palmer purchased the south east corner of section one followed a few months later by William Woodridge who purchased the adjoining quarter section. This was in the Newberg Church area.   Woodridge later became Governor of Michigan and a US Senator.

The historical society was started in 1956 with 10 members.  In 1962 the City purchased the area called Quaker Acres which is where the old K-Mart stood.  The Society has gone up and down in membership but now is doing well with the latest membership of 87. There will be another cemetery walk, this time at Union Cemetery on 6 Mile.

Bentley HS ground breaking was 1945 and the final graduation class was in June1985.  The school was demolished in 1999 with the City purchasing the land for the Rec Center which opened in 2003.

A marker from the State has been in the works and will be installed on September 15 at 2:00 at the Rec Center.

Susan Paluchniak


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