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Meet The Candidates

The final two candidates running in this year’s Livonia election spoke at the November 1, 2023 meeting, Special thanks goes out to Mike Ladwig who arranged all of the candidates to speak about their campaign.

Martha Ptashnik, is running for Livonia City Council. She has two kids in Churchill Highschool. She was a teacher for sixteen years. She also has business experience as a buyer for Marshal Fields and other retail outlets. She serves on the Livonia Zoning Board of Appeals. She wants to keep Livonia taxes low and is concerned about the recent cost estimate to repair the current Livonia buildings and infrastructure needs. She wants to concentrate on the development of neighborhoods and supporting senior services.

Mayor Brosnan was the next speaker and mentioned she had to leave the meeting after her presentation to testify to the full Board of Wayne County on a grant application the city submitted for 8 million to rebuild the Senior Center. This federal allocation was coming from the American Rescue Plan. With this grant, the city has raised 21 million towards the total estimated price of 21.5 million for the center.

The Mayor mentioned that the residents have told her they want a downtown. The city is working to develop multi-density housing along Five Mile. The residents also told her they wanted a safe community. She was able to increase the fire and police staffing levels to 90% by bringing back defined benefits and allowing lateral transfers. She bragged about repaving seventeen miles of roadways under her administration. Having the lowest millage rate in Wayne County.

In regard to a 98 million dollar cost estimate to repair all of Livonia's facilities, the Mayor stated that if elected she would set up a “Brain Trust” to address entrepreneurial solutions to find the resources and needed funding.

Nancy Darga


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