Claude Kendrick reported on the upcoming Kids Against Hunger Food Packing event. At least 4,000 dollars in donations are needed to meet the event’s goal of number of meals to be packed and volunteers are still needed to do the packing. Individuals can volunteer or a pre-formed teams consisting of 13 people can volunteer. In any case bodies are needed to pack meals that day.
Tammy Bonifield reported that Touch-A-Truck took in gross revenue of $8,500. Claude reported that the Touch-A-Truck review meeting took place and all improvement suggestions were addressed. Bob Carris shared that next year’s Touch-A-Truck date is August 23, 2025.
The remainder of the meeting was spotlighting members Dawn Magretta and Claude Kendrick.
Dawn Magretta shared that she was inspired to become a member, 6 years ago, of the Livonia AM Rotary because she felt that this particular club’s members had special qualities. Her initial intuition was proven right when member’s reached out to her and provided support during difficult times. Dawn went on to talk about how supportive the
club has been by providing scholarships to Schoolcraft College students that has changed their lives. She discussed how other community colleges are funded in
Michigan compared to other states. She ended by sharing that she is pursuing her Doctorate in Community College Leadership with Kansas State.
Past President Claude Kendrick (2023-24) shared snippets of his childhood growing up in Florida and how two neighbors, taking Claude and his brother to church, changed his life and helped him develop healthy behaviors. Both his parents were hard workers and they moved often due to his Father’s work. Claude outlined his business management career and success in improving Kentucky Fried Chicken, K-Mart, and Walmart’s business operations. Claude came to become a Rotarian when he met Pat while working for Sears and when he became in charge of allocating available money from Walmart and established beneficial ways to give back to the community. Becoming a Rotarian was a great fit for Claude since he has always been involved in volunteering and finding ways to contribute to his community. He briefly mentioned his wife’s 18 month program at Hannan House that helps women get their life together after coming out of the State system.
The meeting ended at 8:34 am.
Victoria Haltom