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Spaghetti Dinner Community Fundraiser SUCCESS!

Thank you for a great day Wednesday at our Annual Rotary World Polio Day Community Spaghetti Dinner. It was a very large crowd, though I'm waiting for more of the attendance and financial information. Last year 20 tables were set up; this year there were 24 tables, and all the tables were used, with more people added after tables were bussed and new placemats "placed."

My son Andrew and I delivered the left-over food - quite a lot! - to Family of God and Eglesia Pan de Vida Lutheran churches in the Springwells area of SE Detroit. The people who received it were so very grateful.

Many thanks also to Barb Moldenhauer (Our Savior Lutheran events coordinator) and the five men from the Church how helped out both yesterday and this morning - tables, chairs, canopies and lights; to the Interact students from Church Hill High School (11 of them); Thrivent and Rick Hart ($250 Thrivent grant for the food); and all of you who gave so much of your time, support, and efforts. Job well-done!

Many thanks to Rotary spouses and family members who also helped out, especially with clean-up. Interestingly, all 12 - I believe - of our candidates for elective office in Livonia were present and very respectful of our Rotary clubs (Rotary Club of Livonia [noon] and the Livonia A.M. Rotary Club) and the goal and singular focus on eradicating polio from the earth and immunizing all children world-wide. Many former Rotarians were also present, as well as Past District 6400 Rotary Governors Paul and Traci Sincock.

Two other bravos with two new "firsts" at the Spaghetti Dinner: To Livonia A.M. Rotary President Claude Kendrick, for pulling off the placemats and sponsorships, with Pat Zucal readjusting the placemat donor settings and then printing them; and Eric and (his Dad, Mike Ladwig) of Livonia's UPS Store, for printing and furnishing the costs for the outdoor and indoor display posters and End Polio backdrop. With the latter, many people got their pictures taken with the backdrop. 

In Rotary Service, Dave Stechholz

I want to personally thank everyone for supporting this event year after year. This event is so much fun and our cause is so important! Let’s continue to show our support to eradicate Polio throughout the world, so awesome communities like Livonia are never affected again.

As you all know, printing, designing, website IT, location set up, scheduling, marketing, etc. comes from from some awesome Rotarians and their businesses. Honorable mention also goes to Friday Musings, Livonia Chamber of Commerce, Rotary District 6400 website, City of Livonia website, Livonia Noon Club website and our very own AM Rotary newsletter for helping spread the word.

I want to also thank the Spaghetti Dinner Planning Committee; David Stechholz, Tammy Bonifield, Deanna Gaffney, Nancy Darga, and Barb Moldenhauer for another outstanding year!

As we prepare for our debriefing; please send and share ideas with the committee for next year’s event. All Ideas are WELCOME!

YOURS IN ROTARY! Claude Kendrick


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Rotary Club of Livonia AM

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Livonia, MI 48154

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