President Dave Stechholz opened the meeting at 7:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Invocation by Victoria Haltom, the saying of the Four Way Test, followed by Happy Bucks.
Pres. Dave reminded members that December is Rotary’s disease prevention and treatment month and pointed out that District 6400’s work in Ghana and Liberia, plus efforts to eradicate polio, is proof of Rotary’s commitment to addressing diseases of the world.
Pres. Dave also reviewed the upcoming calendar of events, emphasizing that there are no meetings on December 25th, and January 1st. However, a seasonal celebration will take place at Pres. Daves’ house on 12/27 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM. Members are asked to bring a friend and a passing dish.
Bob Carris shared that all 85 children’s car seats were successfully picked up from Walmart and delivered to either AAA Pregnancy Resource Center or the Wood’s Funeral Home, where extras are being stored.
Rotary Bell Ringer’s for the Salvation Army will be at Joe’s Produce on December 21, from 10:00-3:00 PM.
Our speaker for this meeting was Ted Davis, Superintendent of Livonia Parks and Recreation, since 2015. He is responsible for all recreational offerings: Parks,
Greenmead, the Rec Center, and three Livonia golf courses.
The most pressing issue on the minds of both the Livonia AM and Livonia Noontime Rotary Clubs was what, when, and how the Rotary Park damage from the tornado that
hit Livonia on June 5, 2024, and caused extensive damage to the park’s Pavilion #1 and the loss of 40 to 50 of the park’s trees is going to be handled by the City of Livonia. The park was closed until June 14 to allow the city to remove fallen trees and members from both Rotary clubs helped rake and bag storm debris. However, Ted shared that
there has been much frustration in working with the insurance company to process a damage claim and to meet with prospective architects to determine the scope of the project to replace Pavilion #1 and replace the roof of Pavilion #2. At present, the
insurance company has committed to paying $15,000.00 for the architect fee and $276,000 to replace Pavillion #1. That leaves a cash shortfall of around $300.000 to complete the project of replacing Pavillion #1, replacing the roof of Pavillion #2, and renovating the restrooms and fireplace near Pavilion #1. Ted has his first meeting with the architectural firm that is handling the project on Friday, December 20th. Ted made it clear that the city is committed to completing the cost of this project whether Rotary is involved in raising funds or not. However, it is the intent of both the AM and Noontime Clubs to raise $300,000 to offset the cost of the project. This also means that the Rotary Clubs will be involved in making decisions about what will be included as part of the restoration. It seemed apparent that both clubs agreed that the fireplace needs to be
replaced but are still deciding whether the restrooms should be unisex or gender specified. Members at today’s meeting made other suggestions as to what to include in restoring the pavilions. Ted reminded everyone that whatever you add to a project means more cost and takes longer to complete the project.
Members were hoping to plan an event around the completion of the renovations in celebration of Livonia’s 75th anniversary. Ted anticipates that the park renovations will not be completed in 2025 but more likely by 2026. The meeting was adjourned, but several members stayed afterward to ask Ted more questions about the project.
Victoria Haltom