Building Connections
The Invocation was done by Victoria Haltom. She pointed out that Pluto moved into Aquarius and that we should welcome change and focus on the gifts each member has to offer. She said this is a new era of connectivity.
Tammy Bonifield pitched in for Happy Bucks, since our Sargent of Arms, Sharon Pommerville is in the hospital with a broken shoulder. She is slated for surgery Thursday. Prayers were extended to her.
Reverend David Stechholz and John Clay were happy to be recuperating from their back surgery. A guest from the Trenton Rotary Club attended our meeting, Bill Jasman. He was happy to be going to Africa in 2 weeks in Ghana putting in a well at a school.
Special thanks were extended to all the members who helped out at the Livonia Hockey Allstar Game with Redwing Alumni. Special cheers went out to member Eric Ladwig who skated at the game. The game netted over $10,000 for local charities. The Livonia Rotary PM group rented a room at the arena during the game for the players serving pizza.
Bob Carris announced that the club will be meeting with the Interact Club at Churchill High School on March 11, 2024 at 2:30. Nancy Darga will pick up snacks and
Tammy is bringing water.
The Guest Speaker was Wayne County Commissioner Terry Marecki. She pointed out that the voting districts for Wayne County Commissioners were changed with the census and she now represents the west end (60%) of Livonia, Northville City and Northville and Plymouth Township. She was first elected as Wayne County Commissioner in 2015. She listed all of the committees she serves on. Some of the
affiliations she listed was being a member of the National Assoc. of Counties and the Planning Group for the Tri-County Summit. She informed the Rotary Club that each Commissioner gets to appoint a student to the County wide Youth Council. These students get to go to Lansing. Applications are open in September. She encouraged
the club to nominate someone.
In speaking about current legislation pending, she stated that recently a Senate Bill at the State was introduced to add a $2.00 charge to all water bills to establish a fund for people who cannot pay their water bill. This fund would be overseen by the State Health and Human Services Department. She does not support the bill in that the administrative costs is estimated over 20% (12 million of 60 million to be collected). She pointed out that she helped Livonia secure 8 million ARPA Funds for a new Senior Center. The biggest challenge Wayne County is facing currently is rebuilding the work force. Wayne County is losing Sheriff’s and Prosecutors to other municipalities due to low wages, high workloads, and stressful work environments. Union contracts are being re-opened to introduce incentives to improve the retention rate of the workforce. The new Criminal Justice Center on I75 and Warren will be opening. The next project is the Civil Justice Center. She expounded about improvements the County is making.
The County will be spending 5 million each year for the next 5 years in new technology to improve operations.
Commission meetings are zoomed and recorded. The public is welcome to make comments.
The Roads Division has set up a road call center for complaints. If anyone has a problem with a road call 1-888-762-3273. Do not call her office. Greg Greene wanted to know how our club could sponsor a road like he does in Caton. She told him to call this road number.
Nancy Darga asked if she was still sponsoring a project for Rouge Rescue Day. She explained that the Friends of the Rouge do not do a single Rouge Day. She suggested our club contact the Friends through their web site. Nancy agreed to do so.
The Commissioner explained that the Parks and Recreation Department have made great improvements to the parks. Their goal this year is to connect all their parks and waterways.
In closing accolades were made about the club setting up a text chain to keep everyone in communication about Sharon’s accident and need for assistance. Claude Kendrick offered to add everyone’s name in the phone chain as a way to keep everyone connected in real time.
Nancy Darga