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You Are Blessed

Club member Susan Landmesser posted a Thank You to the Livonia Community for supporting her mission to help others in need. "I'd like to give a shout out to to Bill Friske from Livonia AM Rotary for picking up the donations from The Livonia Civic Park Senior Center and bringing them to the You Are Loved storage bldg. THANK YOU!!!!

I'd also like to thank all the anonymous folks that are dropping items off. You are so beautiful and I am so amazed at the amount of love and generosity that is being displayed.

This is going to be such a blessed year. Not only will we be handing out stuffed sleeping bags to the folks in Detroit, but we will be reaching out to many local organizations that help care for those in need. ( Many of the people involved in these organizations were met at the Livonia Annual corn roast this past week)


Together we will be making big differences in the lives of many less fortunate.

God Bless You All.



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